Blaxland East Public School

A school of opportunity and achievement

Telephone02 4739 1579

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Our dedicated team includes: 



K Gula – Mrs Macri

K/1 Mulgu – Mrs McLeod

K Buru – Mrs Wheeler

Year 1

1 Dhingu – Mrs Anderson

1 Wambady – Mrs Savage

Year 2

2/4 Barrugin – Ms Gilbert

2 Binyang – Mrs Hughes

2 Wularu – Mrs Thomas

Year 3/4

3/4 Gudugulung – Mrs Watson & Ms Delfs (Thursday)

3/4 Badang – Mrs Hunter & Mrs Barsley (Monday)

3/4 Wirriga – Mr McGowan

Year 4/5

4/5 Girrawi – Mrs Palmer

Year 5

5 Guganagina – Mrs Rutter & Miss Nelson (Wednesday and Friday)

Year 5/6

5/6 Magura – Mrs Shaw & Mr Bryan (Friday)

5/6 Bubuk – Mrs Bailey

5/6 Wali – Mrs Willetts


Off-Class Teaching Staff

RFF- Mr Blunt

Sport RFF- Mrs Lamplough

Librarian- Mrs Swatridge

HPGE Digital Technologies- Mr Bryan (Thursdays)

Learning and Support teacher- Mrs Toft

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction- Ms Delfs

Assistant Principal- Mrs Taylor 


Other staff who support our school, along with others in the Blue Mountains, include:

School counsellor - Ms Laurent

Home School Liasion Officer - Mr Curnow

Assistant Principal Learning and Support- Mrs Walker


Student Learning Support Officers

Mrs Pearson

Mrs Falzon

Mrs McKelvie

Mrs Chin

Mrs Hall

Mrs Healy

Mrs Walters 


Our administration team remains a welcoming presence in our school:

Mrs Fitzpatrick, School Administration Manager

Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Sloman, Mrs Camps and Ms Norris, School Administrative Officers

Our general assistant (GA) is Mr Huntley