Blaxland East Public School

A school of opportunity and achievement

Telephone02 4739 1579

Kindergarten 2025

Kindergarten 2025

In order to help us cater for your child's needs when they start school, we would be grateful if you could complete this questionnaire. This information will be confidential and the more information we have the better we can assist your child to successfully settle into school life.

Follow the enrolment link to find out all you need to know about enrolling your child at Blaxland East Public School

Please find below answers to some frequently asked questions. Please don't hesitate to contact the school on 02 4739 1579 for further information.

Children who have a positive start to school are likely to engage and experience ongoing academic and social success. The Department of Education offer useful information regarding starting school and has some helpful information to assist your child's orientation and smooth transition to Kindergarten in 2025:


Q: What day does my child start school?

A: Your Kindergarten child will have their first full day of school on Thursday 6 February, 2025.

Q: When are the Best Start Interviews?

A: The Best Start interviews will take place during school hours. The assessment takes roughly 40 minutes and is conducted by a Kindergarten teacher with your child.

Q: What are bell times in a school day?

A: Please see the bell times below in a school day at Blaxland East Public School:

9:00 am Morning school bell

Morning session begins

10:55 am Recess Bell (Eating time 5 minutes, then 30 minutes play  

11:30 am End of Recess

Middle Session Begins

1:20 pm Lunch Time (Eating time 10 minutes, then 30 minutes play)

2:00 pm End of Lunchtime

Afternoon Session Begins

3:00 pm School finishes and students are walked to the gate to be picked up, catch the bus or collected by Noiseworks or LOOSH After School Care staff

Q. What does my child need to bring to school?

A. Students in Kindergarten do not need a pencil case or any stationary, as this is provided by the school. If your child receives one leading up to starting school we suggest you keep it at home to be used for Homework.

Your child will need to bring their lunch in a lunchbox as well as a drink bottle filled with water for them to access during the day. Please include an additional piece of fruit or vegetable in your child's lunch box, so they can enjoy this during our morning Crunch and Sip time. Please make sure lunch box and containers are clearly labelled with your child’s name and that they know how to open and close it correctly.

Q. What do I do if my child is absent?

A. It is a legal requirement that any student absences are explained. This may be done via a phone call or email to the school, or a note upon returning to school. Notification of any absence can also be sent electronically via the Parent Portal app. 

Q What do I do if my child arrives late or needs to leave early?

A. Any student that arrives after the class has entered the classroom in the morning,  is required to enter via the front office to be signed in electronically. The child will be given a late note slip to be given to the class teacher. If a child needs to leave prior to 3:00pm, parents are required to organise this with the Administration Staff at the front office. If you are aware of a late arrival or early leaving prior to the day, please write a note to the teacher informing them of this change. Parents will still need to go to the front office to have an early leaver slip completed.

Q. How can I help in the classroom?

A. Parent helpers are valued and encouraged in Kindergarten.  Assisting with Development groups on some afternoons is the primary way for parents to become involved. Literacy first thing in the morning is also a great time to help out.

Before parents can begin they are required by the NSW Department of Education to complete a Working With Children's Check. This document can be easily completed at the front office, where you will be asked to show photo identification to the School Admin staff.  Parents are required to sign in as a volunteer at the front office each time they help in the classroom.

Q. What can I do when it’s my child’s birthday?

A. Birthdays are a wonderful celebration and children love to share their special day with their classmates. It is not expected that students share food with other students, however, we realise that some parents wish to have a treat for the class. We would request that if this is the case you would order a birthday bucket from the canteen that includes either an ice block or small muffin for each student in your child’s class. The canteen is aware of all students with allergies who may be affected.

Q. What do I do if I am running late in the afternoon?

A. If you are running late please notify the Office by calling 4739 1579 before 3:00pm and they will let the teacher know. Please be aware that teachers have many commitments after school and are not able to stay with your child for very long. If you have not arrived within 10 minutes of your notified late arrival they will be taken down to the Office where they can be collected.

Q. How do I communicate with the class teacher?

A. If at anytime you would like to speak to your class teacher, please contact the school by phone, email, Parent Portal to arrange an appointment. Appointments can be conducted in person or over the phone, depending on the reason for the meeting.

If you need to inform your class teacher of something or have a question, again you can contact the front office by telephone, send an email to the school, use the Parent Portal or give a letter to the teacher.

Q. What do I do if I have a concern about my child's learning?

A. Your child's class teacher is the first person to talk to if you have concerns about your child's progress in key learning areas or social and emotional development. At times, these concerns are elevated to the learning support team to discuss opportunities for extra support, learning adjustments or interventions. The learning support team consists of the Principal, Assistant Principal, School counsellor, learning support teachers and school learning support officers. Learning and support meetings are held weekly to discuss new student referrals and monitor the progress of students receiving support.

Q. How do I make payments?

A. The preferred mode of payment for school events and excursions is online through the school's website or the Parent Portal. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact the school office who will be more than happy to assist.

Q. What happens if my child needs to take medication at school?

A. If at any stage your child is required to take medication during school hours, please visit the school office to provide the medication and complete a form authorising staff to appropriately administer the medication.

Q. How do I change my details?

A. Please contact the school office with any changes to family circumstances, address, contact and emergency contact details.

Q. How do I find out what is happening in our school?

A. Our school website is a hub of information and should be your first port of call to find out what's happening in the school. Blaxland East Public School uses Sentral Parent Portal and the App to effectively communicate and keep you informed of all school activities. The Blaxland East Bayadi Wadi (Talking Stick) is produced weekly listing all notes sent home during the preceding week, an upcoming events calendar and any permission notes/payments with closing dates. Our school Facebook page is another mode of communication and provides school updates and links from the Department of Education.

Please see our Uniform page for more information about the Blaxland East Public School uniform. Due to COVID restrictions, the Uniform Shop will be processing online orders only via Spriggy.

There are 'Kindy Starter Packs' of uniform items available via Spriggy.

You will be notified when your order is ready for pick up. 

Getting Ready for School (PDF 13.3 MB)

A Special Place (PDF 6.2MB)

Daisy's First Day (PDF 5.6 MB)




Helping your child with literacy and numeracy at home

Helping with literacy and numeracy at home


These resources have been created for parents, carers and families of children in the early years of school. The activities support the important learning that happens at home. They are designed for you to have fun with your child and to help them have a great start at school.


Helping your child with literacy and numeracy at home



Ten Frame

Tens frame


The ten frame supports your child to make connections between counting, adding and subtracting.

The use of the objects in the frame visually helps your child with:

  • developing counting skills
  • quick recall of patterns to a number
  • a strong understanding of the numbers to ten.


Use objects in the squares to create games around counting, adding and subtracting to 10. The objects can be arranged in different ways to represent different numbers.

You can use any small objects, such as pebbles or pieces of lego.

Ten frame download (312.04KB)

Find more literacy and numeracy resources

Information about the Best Start Kindergarten Assessment.

Best Start Kindergarten Assessments at Blaxland East Public School will take place during school hours. The assessment runs for approximately 40 minutes, and is conducted by a Kindergarten teacher with your child.